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Health Benefits of Spirulina

Health Benefits of Spirulina

It is no secret that Spirulina is one of the world-famous supplements with multiple health benefits. Spirulina can be categorized as cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), and its standard daily dose usage is 1–3 grams (up to doses of 10 grams have been also used effectively on a daily basis). Among the health benefits of Spirulina, we […]

What is the Keto diet?
Easy Camping Meals, General, Keto Diet, Veg

What is the Keto diet?

The Ketogenic diet (or simply Keto diet) is a well-known diet mainly for its health benefits. This implies that plus losing weight, unlike many other diets, the Keto diet can ensure dieters of staying healthy in their diet period. In this article, we try to explain the Keto dietfor beginners. These health benefits protect dieters from: Diabetes,  Cancer,  Epilepsy,  Alzheimer’s disease, […]

Why Pranayama Is Better Than Smoking A Weed

Why Pranayama Is Better Than Smoking A Weed

Pranayama is a breathing exercise that helps to circulate blood flow through the body. It is a vital body exercise, and even a physically disabled person can do it. Many neuroscientists recommend Pranayam for their patients. It is scientifically proven that Pranayama cures asthma, cancer, and allergies. Pranayam can be done anytime during night day. […]

Easy Camping Meals, General, Veg

Healthy Diet During the COVID-19 Pandemic

View Post For Healthy Diet During the COVID-19 pandemic, No specific food/drinks or diets have been suggested so far by the World Health Organization (WHO) for preventing the infection from COVID-19. But it is important to maintain a healthy diet during self-quarantine or generally, the COVID-19 pandemic period. This is mainly for boosting your both […]